Tag Archives: Lists

A Theology of Work in 50 Scriptural Observations

1 God is the first worker. 1 God’s work requires mental activity and planning. 1 Completed work pleased God. 1 As a worker, God is detail-oriented. 1:28 Work came before sin. 1:28 Man is given authority and responsibility to control … Continue reading

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Should a New Believer Wait Before Being Baptized?

The Christian church marks its members by baptism. Luke records the historical accounts in Acts while the gospels contain commands to baptize. The epistles reference baptism occasionally—twice in Romans, 10 times in 1 Corinthians, and once in Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, … Continue reading

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The 95 Theses Against the Prosperity Gospel

To be nailed to the doors of any church with a name like “Glory Barn” or “Fire Tabernacle” or “Holy Ghost International Centre.” Prosperity Gospel The prosperity gospel urges men to love money, comfort, or things of this earth whereas … Continue reading

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35 Reasons Men Should Be Leaders

Male leadership in the Creation account Adam was formed first. 2:7 Adam was employed by God, not Eve. 2:15 Adam received God’s commandment. 2:17 Adam received a helper; he was not the helper. 2:18 Adam named Eve. 2:23 Adam is … Continue reading

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50 Questions to Ask the Text

Who is speaking? To whom is this verse written? (e.g. believers, pastors, Jews, etc.) Is this verse a question, answer, argument, or proposition? Is this verse part of a narrative, a poem, an epistle, a parable, or a prophecy? What … Continue reading

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Why Dispensationalists Believe in a Millennium

Recently a friend wrote to me, “Am I so far off base when I say dispensationalists want a millennium so Christ can vindicate His first advent and prove He is all He claimed to be?” When some pastors who believe … Continue reading

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Should Everyone Speak at the Same Time When Praying?

In many churches, people speak out loud at the same time during their prayer times. Is this a Biblical way to pray? Here are 12 reasons to oppose simultaneous praying, or prayer meetings where multiple people speak at the same … Continue reading

Posted in Lists, Prosperity gospel | Tagged , , , | 14 Comments

Optimistic Christians

Should Christians be optimistic about the future of the Church? Ken Gentry couldn’t finish his answer to that question in less than 600 pages in He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology. The book in one sentence: Jesus will slowly conquer the … Continue reading

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Ethical Dilemmas of a Missionary

Ethical Dilemmas of a missionary Over the past few years, these lists have slowly emerged from our personal experience. At the least, these questions remind us to pray for pastors in general and missionaries in particular that they would have … Continue reading

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21 Questions to Ask Before You Buy a TV

Spiritual blessings Do I need this TV to increase my joy in Heaven? In what way will this TV increase my personal holiness? How can this TV glorify God according to 1 Cor. 10:31 “…do all to the glory of … Continue reading

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