Category Archives: Unusual character

Godly Men Who Died Young


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Praying for America in Africa: A Fourth of July Christian Reflection

By Tim Cantrell My wife and I are Americans who have now lived more of our lives on African soil than on American soil, for the past 25 years and counting.  All five of our kids were born in Africa, … Continue reading

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Hard Work for Christ: John Wesley

Introduction In 1732, a woman named Susanna wrote a letter describing how she raised her 19 children. “When [they] turned a year old (and some before), they were taught to fear the rod and to cry softly. … that most … Continue reading

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Whunga Baptist Church: A New Church in a Poor Area

A special joy known only to those who love the church of God rests on the birth of a new assembly of believers. After years of evangelism and preaching, the Whunga Baptist Church was officially formed on Sunday, 20 March … Continue reading

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Christian Friendliness

Today just after 5 pm I stood with a 41-year old man and his mother in the parking lot of a playground where my children had been playing with his. What made this particular moment unusual was that we stood … Continue reading

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Apologizing for Slavery

When somebody who has never owned a slave apologizes for slavery to somebody who has never been a slave, then what began as mushy thinking has degenerated into theatrical absurdity–or, worse yet, politics. Slavery has existed all over the planet … Continue reading

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Attractive Leadership

[William Carey] is most remarkable for his humility; he is a very superior man, and appears to know nothing about it. The great man and the little child unite in him, and, as far as I can see, he has … Continue reading

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The Kind of Character that Makes History

One of Carey’s Indian language helpers said about him (when he was about 45), What kind of body has Carey Sahib? I cannot understand him. He never seems hungry nor tired, and never leaves a thing till it’s finished. As … Continue reading

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The Power of First Impression

“We are ready to be carried away by that quality which strikes the first or the strongest impressions upon us, and we judge of the whole object according to that quality, regardless of all the rest; or sometimes we colour … Continue reading

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William Carey on Success

Near the end of his life, the man who translated portions of the Bible into nearly two score languages said: “I can plod and persevere. That is my only genius. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I … Continue reading

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