Category Archives: Pastoral

Defense of Sola Scriptura

Does the Bible teach that the Bible alone is the highest authority for the Christian? Recently, I heard a debate about Catholicism, and when this question was raised, the Christian struggled to give a good answer. Bible believers may be … Continue reading

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4 Observations on Biblical Preaching from Ahimaaz

When David is waiting for news about the outcome of the civil war that his son Absalom had started, a young man named Ahimaaz wanted to run from the battlefront with the tidings in 2 Samuel 18:19-32. General Joab refuses … Continue reading

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7 Guides for Biblical Preaching from Balaam

For his decades of obedience, Moses was called the most humble man in the world (Num. 12:3). Three chapters record the story of Balaam in the middle of Moses’ life so that we can see the difference between the two … Continue reading

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A Healthy Church Checklist

There are 50 points in this list, and each one is worth 2 points. How healthy is your church? Membership Leadership Family Outreach Teaching Public meetings Finances Prayer ____ Total Score (2 points per mark)          

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7 Biblical Reasons Parents Should Spank Their Children

Recently, my wife told me about a book that argues the Bible does not encourage parents to discipline their children with corporal punishment. Both of us grew up in homes where our parents taught us as children by using paddles, … Continue reading

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Total Depravity Applied to Elections

If we believe that the heart of man is corrupt (Jer. 17:9), man naturally hates Jesus (John 7:7), his moral reasoning is twisted (Tit. 1:15), and without being united to Christ he can do nothing truly good (John 15:5), then … Continue reading

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An Improvement on The LGBT+ Acronym

The control of names is a vital function of leadership. Adam named the beasts not only as a symbol, but as the first practical step toward ranching, farming, and animal husbandry. Would Cain have done a good thing had he … Continue reading

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How Psalms Differs from Other Books

This year as a church, we are reading and rereading the Psalms. How does this book differ from the other 65 inspired books of the canon? What words are used over and over? In the list below, I have only … Continue reading

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Why should My Children Have a Christian Education?

At all costs, your little ones must have a Christian Education. 4 Reasons Education must be decidedly Christian. First, the realities of life demand Christian Education. Second, the soul of your child will live forever either in Heaven or in … Continue reading

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A Review of the Advertising Copy of Women and the Gender of God

Eerdman’s has decided to publish a book in October 2022 which if it accurately delivers what it promises in its advertising copy will immediately serve feminism and multiculturalism while laying the groundwork for further false teachers to promote sodomy and … Continue reading

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