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Seth's bookshelf: read
by Daryl WinerdThe argument is tight and convincing. 9/10I could wish that they had dealt with Rom. 7:2-3 in its own chapter. Also, the syllogism of Eph. 5:25:
1. A husband must be like Jesus Christ.
2. Jesus Christ never divorces His wife.
Conclus…Though he ought to have loved his wife by listening and asking better questions, Sir Percy took risks in a noble cause and devoted his life to preserving the lives of Tim MarshallGeography heavily influences the politics and economies of the world’s nations.An interesting and perhaps important book which educates the citizen to vital factors about the region and country to which he is obligated to vote, pray, …
by John BunyanPerhaps the greatest book ever written outside the Bible.For its glorious and compelling presentation of Christ as well as intensity that comes straight from Scripture, this book deserves more honor than Pilgrim’s Progress.
1….Feminism is one more wave of attack on Western culture. 7/10.
Category Archives: Pastoral
The Longest Sentence in the New Testament
With 218 words, Paul’s letter to the Colossians has the longest sentence in the New Testament, and perhaps in the Bible. This sentence is 16 words longer than the sentence in Ephesians 1:3-14, but they are very similar since he … Continue reading
5 Reasons Every Christian Should Vote for Trump
America sends out the most missionaries by far of any country in the world. Practically speaking, its wealth and freedom are two major reasons why the churches are able to devote so much energy to missions. Of course, He who … Continue reading
7 Arguments for Total Abstinence from Alcohol
Though it is exceedingly unpopular to speak against alcohol, the Bible presents at least 3 important arguments and experience blended with Biblical principles add 4 more.
11 Reasons Christians Should Not Use Curse Words
Yesterday while making a purchase, I was the only person in an office with several employees. Speaking to the man helping me, a woman inserted an English curse word into her Afrikaans comments. Since they were friendly, I asked the … Continue reading
Defense of Sola Scriptura
Does the Bible teach that the Bible alone is the highest authority for the Christian? Recently, I heard a debate about Catholicism, and when this question was raised, the Christian struggled to give a good answer. Bible believers may be … Continue reading
4 Observations on Biblical Preaching from Ahimaaz
When David is waiting for news about the outcome of the civil war that his son Absalom had started, a young man named Ahimaaz wanted to run from the battlefront with the tidings in 2 Samuel 18:19-32. General Joab refuses … Continue reading
7 Guides for Biblical Preaching from Balaam
For his decades of obedience, Moses was called the most humble man in the world (Num. 12:3). Three chapters record the story of Balaam in the middle of Moses’ life so that we can see the difference between the two … Continue reading
Total Depravity Applied to Elections
If we believe that the heart of man is corrupt (Jer. 17:9), man naturally hates Jesus (John 7:7), his moral reasoning is twisted (Tit. 1:15), and without being united to Christ he can do nothing truly good (John 15:5), then … Continue reading