Category Archives: Lists

All 37 Death Penalties in the Old Testament

Included on this list Not included on this list Legal categories   First Text Cause Other Passages Legal category Mor.       Civ.       Cer.  1. Gen. 9:5-6 Murder Ex. 21:12, 14; Lev. 24:17 ,21; Num. 35:16, 17, 18, 21, 30; Deut. 19:12 … Continue reading

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13 Observations from the Leprosy Laws

Medical matters occupy 4 chapters in the book of Leviticus from 12-15. What should the church learn from these old covenant laws? Have you ever read these laws and wondered what to do with them? Three separate matters are covered … Continue reading

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7 Biblical Reasons Parents Should Spank Their Children

Recently, my wife told me about a book that argues the Bible does not encourage parents to discipline their children with corporal punishment. Both of us grew up in homes where our parents taught us as children by using paddles, … Continue reading

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The Charges Laid on a Man

As I prayed this morning, I realized that a common grid for prayer shows itself while I am praying. Having arranged this list in my mind, I thought it maybe helpful for your prayers too. What would happen to our … Continue reading

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33 Shadows of the New Covenant in Esther

If you have read Esther, I can assume you have seen the Invisible Hand of providence working all things for the good of God’s chosen people. The theme is “Deliverance of God’s People.” And those people are the Jews, the … Continue reading

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Pride Discovered in 12 Common Practices

1. Imagining that whatever strengths I have are somehow originating and sourced from and intrinsic to myself.For who regards you as superior? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you … Continue reading

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Pictures of Christian Dignity

Christian faithfulness includes learning to talk the way Scripture talks. This is not easy because sin complicates the simplest things, bogs down the most effortless tasks, and pulls the soul of track. God does call believers slaves and sheep. But … Continue reading

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Pictures of Humility

Scripture speaks in pictures commonly showing us in metaphors the right way to imagine ourselves. Rarely do we think consciously of the pictures that control our relationships, responses, and ambitions. This year in reading and rereading the Psalms, the images … Continue reading

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Men in the Rural Areas

My life is devoted to the rural areas of Africa. I love the people who live with little access to English, jobs, or cement roads. But neither they nor I love the poverty and environment in which they live. The … Continue reading

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Why should My Children Have a Christian Education?

At all costs, your little ones must have a Christian Education. 4 Reasons Education must be decidedly Christian. First, the realities of life demand Christian Education. Second, the soul of your child will live forever either in Heaven or in … Continue reading

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