Tag Archives: Hermeneutics

More Change Than Same Between the Testaments

If you take up the book of Deuteronomy and read its 7 sermons, perhaps one per day, what themes would be in your mind? Then the next week, what would happen if you read the book of Acts keeping in … Continue reading

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13 Observations from the Leprosy Laws

Medical matters occupy 4 chapters in the book of Leviticus from 12-15. What should the church learn from these old covenant laws? Have you ever read these laws and wondered what to do with them? Three separate matters are covered … Continue reading

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33 Shadows of the New Covenant in Esther

If you have read Esther, I can assume you have seen the Invisible Hand of providence working all things for the good of God’s chosen people. The theme is “Deliverance of God’s People.” And those people are the Jews, the … Continue reading

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Pictures of Christian Dignity

Christian faithfulness includes learning to talk the way Scripture talks. This is not easy because sin complicates the simplest things, bogs down the most effortless tasks, and pulls the soul of track. God does call believers slaves and sheep. But … Continue reading

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Tensions in Scripture

Preliminary Thoughts about Tensions in Scripture Categories of Tensions in Scripture Principles for Interpreting Tensions in Scripture

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Hidden in the Past, Yet Now Revealed

The mystery of Christ, …in other generations was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit; Ephesians 3:4-5 I [Jesus] will utter things hidden since … Continue reading

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Habitual Sin, Discernment, and the Use of Scripture

Jehoshaphat, the godly king, united with Ahab, the vile king of Israel. That same good king united with the next king after Ahab (Ahaziah), and then the next king after him (Jehoram). Each of the three kings of Israel were … Continue reading

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35 Reasons Men Should Be Leaders

Male leadership in the Creation account Adam was formed first. 2:7 Adam was employed by God, not Eve. 2:15 Adam received God’s commandment. 2:17 Adam received a helper; he was not the helper. 2:18 Adam named Eve. 2:23 Adam is … Continue reading

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50 Questions to Ask the Text

Who is speaking? To whom is this verse written? (e.g. believers, pastors, Jews, etc.) Is this verse a question, answer, argument, or proposition? Is this verse part of a narrative, a poem, an epistle, a parable, or a prophecy? What … Continue reading

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Why Dispensationalists Believe in a Millennium

Recently a friend wrote to me, “Am I so far off base when I say dispensationalists want a millennium so Christ can vindicate His first advent and prove He is all He claimed to be?” When some pastors who believe … Continue reading

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