Author Archives: Seth Meyers

13 Observations from the Leprosy Laws

Medical matters occupy 4 chapters in the book of Leviticus from 12-15. What should the church learn from these old covenant laws? Have you ever read these laws and wondered what to do with them? Three separate matters are covered … Continue reading

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An Above Average Pastor

Failure is still possible for those who are above average if the average is dismally low. In the village of Bungeni where we have been evangelizing since January 2021, I met a pastor who teaches in a large, beautiful building. … Continue reading

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A Healthy Church Checklist

There are 50 points in this list, and each one is worth 2 points. How healthy is your church? Membership Leadership Family Outreach Teaching Public meetings Finances Prayer ____ Total Score (2 points per mark)          

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7 Biblical Reasons Parents Should Spank Their Children

Recently, my wife told me about a book that argues the Bible does not encourage parents to discipline their children with corporal punishment. Both of us grew up in homes where our parents taught us as children by using paddles, … Continue reading

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The Charges Laid on a Man

As I prayed this morning, I realized that a common grid for prayer shows itself while I am praying. Having arranged this list in my mind, I thought it maybe helpful for your prayers too. What would happen to our … Continue reading

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What is a Puritan?

From 1580 to 1720 a group of Christians originated in Britain, sprouted in places in Europe and dominated New England. The church of England refusing to follow Scripture or take seriously the fear of God compelled the most dedicated to … Continue reading

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Is Gender the Right Word?

Why is the word “gender” used constantly today rather than the word “sex”? Are there any benefits to the term “gender” that are not included with the term sex to refer to male and female? Should Christians use the word … Continue reading

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33 Shadows of the New Covenant in Esther

If you have read Esther, I can assume you have seen the Invisible Hand of providence working all things for the good of God’s chosen people. The theme is “Deliverance of God’s People.” And those people are the Jews, the … Continue reading

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Jonathan Edwards, The Early, Accidental Dispensationalist

While studying today, I came across a list of Jonathan Edwards’ fascinating answers to objections about who can take the Lord’s Table. Edwards’ is answering this objection: “If sinners ate the OT Passover, why can’t they take the NT Lord’s … Continue reading

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Total Depravity Applied to Elections

If we believe that the heart of man is corrupt (Jer. 17:9), man naturally hates Jesus (John 7:7), his moral reasoning is twisted (Tit. 1:15), and without being united to Christ he can do nothing truly good (John 15:5), then … Continue reading

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