“We are ready to be carried away by that quality which strikes the first or the strongest impressions upon us, and we judge of the whole object according to that quality, regardless of all the rest; or sometimes we colour over all the other bad qualities with that one tincture, whether it be bad or good. …
When a poet, an orator, or a painter, has performed admirably in several illustrious pieces, we sometimes also admire his very errors; we mistake his blunders for beauties, and are so ignorantly fond as to copy after them. …
This sort of prejudice is relieved by learning to distinguish things well, and not to judge in the lump.”
Isaac Watts, Logic
This is very true on this side of the world. Here people look at novelity with sheer disdain. I submit that is often unnatural, and therefore should be tested under the holy furnance of God’s word. But its sad, however, to perceive the amount of loathe thrown at the spirit of reformation. People here believe that the fact that their Lutheran church was fisrt to be planted they are sure to justify every claim the church asserts. The have fallen into that trap of rising the traditions of man above the Bible. This is also seem in the AFM church just across the road. Its awfully sobering.