Tag Archives: Covenant Theology

More Change Than Same Between the Testaments

If you take up the book of Deuteronomy and read its 7 sermons, perhaps one per day, what themes would be in your mind? Then the next week, what would happen if you read the book of Acts keeping in … Continue reading

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60 Questions to Ask About the Covenant of Grace

For those who love Covenant Theology, and especially for Baptists who do so, I humbly offer these questions in the spirit of Jonathan Edwards: “Resolved, when I think of any theorem in divinity to be solved, immediately to do what … Continue reading

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Pentecost Was the Nicest Non-Essential the Church Ever Received

From the perspective of Covenant Theology (CT), the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit including all the unique ministries He executes on behalf of new covenant believers was a very nice, yet non-essential addition to an already-functioning old covenant church. … Continue reading

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Birthday of the Church

When was the church born? When did it start? Here’s two well-known voices: His [the Holy Spirit] coming to fill the assembled disciples at Pentecost establishes the church of the New Covenant. Clowney, The Church, 28. On this point we … Continue reading

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The Unity of the Covenant of Grace?

If a group of Reformed brothers were enjoying a repast and the question was posed to them as to how best to summarize the unifying theme of Scripture, it is fair to say that the term “covenant” would be high … Continue reading

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