Obituary: Tshifhiwa Irene, Public Speaker and False Teacher

Tshifhiwa Irene, pastor and public speaker for Divine Truth World Restoration Services for World Peace by Jesus Christ in Limpopo Province, passed away on 24 October around 5 am. Having been to her church and seen her in action, the best memorial to leave  of her memory are her own quotations.

“As from 20th November 2007, Jesus begun [sic] to unfold the program of that grace to free the world of HIV/AIDS. … Everyone who will accept Jesus Christ will be cleansed of the HIV/AIDS completely [sic]. However, that cleansing will depends [sic] entirely on your heart accepting the deliverance. Any person who refuses to believe and get delivered [sic], the virus will remain in that person; but, under the new grace, that person will not spread the virus whatsoever. After the HIV/AIDS root cut-off grace, if two people get married (or come together), one infected with HIV/AIDS and the other being negative; the infected partner will no longer pass on the virus to the uninfected partner.”

“It took 17 years for the kingdom of darkness to create HIV/AIDS. . . . The root/vein of HIV/AIDS is hidden in the ocean [sic] That root/vein is connected with the whole world. There were six demons that composed the HIV/AIDS disease. . . . They took the blood of man and mixed with the blood of four animals to produce a blend. They mixed that blend with six different demonic blood [sic], six different demonic saliva and six different demonic powers [sic] The final mixture produce [sic] the incurable HIV/AIDS to destroy humans without mercy. . . . That root/pot area is boiling steaming everyday [sic] As it steams and boils, it facilitates the HIV/AIDS spread from human to human. The devil lost the war.”

One of her staff wrote of her “[Pastor Tshifhiwa Irene] was calling and throwing the power of God to [a supposed witch], Sarah [the witch] was seen trying to shield herself from the power.”

When I visited her “ministry” she held up women’s undergarments during the “sermon” claiming that demons were responsible for any intimate problems the audience was experiencing.

She entered full-time ministry in 2001 and quickly matched the words of Peter’s description of a false teacher. As 2 Peter 2 says, she introduced destructive heresies (1), grew in popularity with the unconverted (2) indulged the flesh (10), blasphemed where she had no knowledge (12), enticed unstable souls (14), and trained her hearers’ hearts in greed (14).

After reading much of what she wrote, listening to sermons, interviewing her former pastor, and speaking with numerous church members, it is with sadness that I report at her death that she did not teach the great doctrines of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like so many other false prophets, she served as an angel of light to distract poor African sinners from personal responsibility, love for the Son of God, and hatred of sin.

May God be pleased through her death to startle into sobriety all those still bound by her false teaching and thus work, like Samson and our Lord Jesus, more good done in her death than was done in her life.

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2 Responses to Obituary: Tshifhiwa Irene, Public Speaker and False Teacher

  1. Precious says:

    You are spreading false information. God will avenge her. Bless your soul.

  2. Evag. Muyiwa T. Ben says:

    you are not of God, she had done her best by the power of holy spirit. let see your. you are full of hatred. may God save your soul. pastor Irene rest in perfect peace with your master.

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