More Change Than Same Between the Testaments

If you take up the book of Deuteronomy and read its 7 sermons, perhaps one per day, what themes would be in your mind? Then the next week, what would happen if you read the book of Acts keeping in mind your previous reading of those sermons that Moses gave the children of Israel? Any thoughtful reading would immediately notice important points of both similarity and difference.

The NT speaks commonly about the differences between the Covenants.

In each of these passages below, there are great changes between the old revelation and the new revelation.

    1. Matthew 5:21-48
    2. Matthew 13:35
    3. Matthew 9:16-17
    4. Matthew 17
    5. Matthew 16:18
    6. Matthew 18:15-20
    7. Matthew 21:33-46
    8. Matthew 28:18-20
    9. Acts 2
    10. Acts 10
    11. Acts 13-21
    12. Romans 3-4
    13. Romans 6-7
    14. Romans 11
    15. Romans 13
    16. 1 Corinthians 11:23-31
    17. 2 Corinthians 3
    18. Galatians 3-4
    19. Ephesians 2
    20. Ephesians 3
    21. Colossians 2:14-17
    22. 1 Timothy 2
    23. 1 Timothy 3
    24. Hebrews 4
    25. Hebrews 8
    26. 1 Peter 2:9-10

    The NT promotes categories that are foreign or rare to the OT revelation.

      1. Believers set their hearts on spiritual blessings rather than physical blessings.
      2. A universal invitation is made to all nations rather than one small country alone.
      3. Apostles, pastors, and deacons lead the believers rather than priests, kings, or judges.
      4. Church discipline punishes believers rather than the penalties of the Mosaic law.
      5. Spirit baptism effects all believers permanently in powerful, spiritual ways rather than temporary, physical help offered only to a few believers in the OT.
      6. The Gospel of Jesus Christ dominates the preaching and letters rather than the Law of Moses in the OT.
      7. The weakness of Mosaic revelation mentioned rather than Mosaic revelation only held in honor.
      8. The deity of Christ and the Trinity explicitly and constantly referenced rather than merely the unity of Jehovah.
      9. Persecution promised to the faithful church rather than prosperity promised to the faithful nation of Israel.
      10. Union with Christ including adoption, access, and eternal security is revealed rather than hidden in types and shadows.
      11. Evangelism is a natural habit rather than waiting for the occasional outsider to ask about truth.
      12. The Second Coming of Jesus is a constant theme rather than a mystery.

      Category Changes from Old to New
      OLD: Described as old, first, weak, useless, temporary, shadow, and ministry of death and condemnationNEW: Described as new, second, better, ministry of glory and righteousness
      OLD: Physical blessingsNEW: Spiritual blessings
      OLD: Ethnic IsraelNEW: All nations
      OLD: Priests, kings, and judgesNEW: Apostles, pastors, and deacons
      OLD: Many death penaltiesNEW: Church discipline
      OLD: The Holy Spirit helped a few believers like Samson and SaulNEW: The Holy Spirit permanently and powerfully changes all
      OLD: Preaching emphasizes the Law of MosesNEW: Preaching emphasizes the Gospel
      OLD: The honor of the Mosaic Law consistently upheldNEW: The weakness of the Mosaic Law mentioned
      OLD: The unity of JehovahNEW: The deity of Christ
      OLD: Prosperity promised to the faithfulNEW: Persecution promised to the faithful
      OLD: Union with Christ unknownNEW: Union with Christ revealed
      OLD: Gentiles ask Jews about truthNEW: Confrontational evangelism
      OLD: Silent on the Second ComingNEW: The Second Coming is a constant theme


      • The NT is the pinnacle of God’s revelation because in it we see His Son most clearly.
      • In the NT He reveals the mysteries that had been kept secret in the OT.
      • Bible translators recognize this when they begin with the NT rather than the OT.
      • Evangelists recognize this when they give out copies of the gospel of John or Romans.
      • If we allow the NT to teach us how to speak in contrast to the OT, we will emphasize words, doctrines, and terms that are not found or are rare in the OT.
      • Unity is definitely assumed by the Lord Jesus and apostles, but words that mean dramatic changes are the regular pattern of their preaching and writing.
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      50 References to the Second Coming

      The Second Coming in the NT

      1. Matt. 16:27
      2. Matt. 19:28
      3. Matt. 23:39
      4. Matt. 24-25
      5. Matt. 26:64
      6. Mark 8:38
      7. Mark 13
      8. Mark 14:62
      9. Luke 12:35-48
      10. Luke 17:20-37
      11. Luke 18:8
      12. Luke 19:13
      13. Luke 21
      14. Luke 22:69
      15. John 14:1-3
      16. John 21:22
      17. Acts 1:11
      18. Acts 3:20
      19. 1 Cor. 1:7
      20. 1 Cor. 4:5
      21. 1 Cor. 11:26
      22. 1 Cor. 15:23
      23. Phil. 3:20-21
      24. Col. 3:4
      25. 1 Thess. 1:10
      26. 1 Thess. 2:19
      27. 1 Thess. 3:13
      28. 1 Thess. 4:13-18
      29. 1 Thess. 5:2-9
      30. 1 Thess. 5:23
      31. 2 Thess. 1:7-10
      32. 2 Thess. 2:1-12
      33. 1 Tim. 6:14
      34. 2 Tim. 4:1, 8
      35. Tit. 2:13
      36. Heb. 9:28
      37. Heb. 10:25, 37
      38. James 5:7-8
      39. 1 Pet. 1:7, 13
      40. 1 Pet. 4:13
      41. 1 Pet. 5:4
      42. 2 Pet. 1:16
      43. 2 Pet. 3:1-15
      44. 1 John 2:28
      45. 1 John 3:2
      46. Jude 14
      47. Rev. 1:7-8
      48. Rev. 2:25
      49. Rev. 3:3
      50. Rev. 3:11
      51. Rev. 16:15
      52. Rev. 19:11-21
      53. Rev. 22:12
      54. Rev. 22:20

      Observations about the NT’s usage of the Second Coming

      1. This doctrine is emphasized by its frequency.
        1. Genre: The Second Coming is mentioned in each of the 4 kinds of literature in the NT.
        2. Author: The Second Coming is mentioned by all 8 of the authors of the NT. Since the atonement in its broadest sense is actually not mentioned in James or Jude, the Second Coming is more common among the NT authors than even atonement.
        3. Verses: The Second Coming is mentioned in roughly 50 individual passages, approximately 300 verses. 35 entire books of the Bible have fewer than 300 verses.
      2. This doctrine is emphasized by being recorded at length numerous times.
        1. The Olivet Discourse (recorded three times)
        2. Luke 12 and 17 record two other extended teachings of Jesus on the Second Coming
        3. Paul’s treatment in 2 Thess. 1-2
        4. Peter’s explanation in 2 Peter 3:1-15
        5. John’s record of the Second Coming in Rev. 19:11-21
        6. Not many other doctrines or events are treated at such length—Atonement, justification by faith, and the deity of Christ perhaps.
      3. This doctrine is emphasized by its placement in Scripture.
        1. A few days before our Lord’s death, the night before our Lord’s death, and during the trial of our Lord, apparently because He thought of this doctrine in close connection to His own death.
        2. In each of the pastoral epistles, apparently so that pastors would remember it.
        3. Closely connected to discussions of false teachers in 2 Peter, 1 John, and Jude, apparently because this is a doctrine commonly distorted and of importance.
        4. At the very end of the Bible, apparently because it culminates the story.
      4. The nature of the doctrine itself demands a special priority for the Second Coming.
        1. It is the end of the Story of the NT.
        2. It is the appearance of the believer’s Highest Hope and Greatest Happiness.
        3. It is the beginning of the final judgments.
      5. The modern church speaks relatively rarely about the Second Coming.
      6. Useful and practical applications are directly connected to this doctrine.
        1. Be ready for judgment.
        2. Hope in hard times.


      • If we honestly review our hearts, our reflections, our prayers, and the sermons we have heard, we may find a great difference between the emphasis of the NT and our own practice.
      • The Second Coming is a particularly emphasized, important, and useful doctrine of the NT.
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      A High Perspective Of Man

      “What is man, that You remember him? Or the son of man, that You are concerned about him? You have made him for a little while lower than the angels; You have crowned him with glory and honor, And have appointed him over the works of Your hands; You have put all things in subjection under his feet.” Hebrews 2:6-8 quoting Psalm 8:4-6

      David spoke this of himself, but prophetically as Hebrews 2 shows, it was spoken of the Messiah. But what was David’s answer to that question?

      One true answer for David is that he was a highly gifted warrior who could sling a stone without missing under the stress of life and death. As a young man, he could lead warriors into battle and return unharmed repeatedly. He was skilled in music and poetry which means he had a quick mind. He is described as unusually physically attractive in 1 Samuel 16. In short, he was gifted in all categories.

      But when David describes himself he says things like “I am a worm” in Psalm 22, “a dead dog and a flea” when answering Saul. “Who am I?” he repeatedly asks Jehovah in 2 Samuel 7.

      So there appears to be two ways to look at this. David is a giant slayer, but he is also a dead dog. When we glance at men around us, we can see certain similarities, and perhaps gifts whereby we surpass others. We may also be seeing badly and lying to ourselves. What would happen if we rose up and looked down at ourselves the way God sees us?

      Trees, bushes, and even grasses are spread in different sizes and colors throughout the world analogous to the various gifts spread unevenly among men. The oak tree stands above the floral shrub, which stands above grasses. There are so many kinds of mosses and flowers as to nearly parallel the diversity among men with their sizes, shapes, and personalities. One tree is clearly taller than another, yet viewed from the clouds, it appears difficult to see any variation between a tree and grass itself. If we could stand on the moon and look down, who could tell any difference between trees or vegetation at all? The great differences between trees, grasses, and bushes are all lost when seen from the stars. Looking at the differences right now, we are overwhelmed with some as greater and more glorious, but that is only part of the truth. If we could rise up to a bird’s vantage point, or to the clouds, or higher still, suddenly all the botanical kingdom looks very small. In fact, from a certain height, grass might be more visible and even dominant than trees.

      I find this a very helpful way to look at myself and other believers. There may truly be differences among us, but our God is in the Heavens. He holds the earth and its inhabitants in the hollow of His hand. To imagine myself as viewed among all other men from all other times from the vantage of the heavens and eternity is a true and useful way to conceive of the variations within men. Some undoubtedly pass me, and some just as certainly have not received what was given to me, and yet what have we that we did not receive?

      It is more marvelous that anyone’s smallness can be used to glorify the One who sits in the Heavens naming all the stars and taking in all men as so much dust, than it is that anyone’s gifts surpass another’s. Further, it is remarkable that we can so quickly forget this is the real case with all created things and all men.

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      4 Observations on Biblical Preaching from Ahimaaz

      When David is waiting for news about the outcome of the civil war that his son Absalom had started, a young man named Ahimaaz wanted to run from the battlefront with the tidings in 2 Samuel 18:19-32. General Joab refuses Ahimaaz because he did not know the details David wanted to hear about Absalom, and so Cushi was sent instead.

      In the Biblical narratives, the accounts are always briefer than modern historical renditions, and in some important ways, this story shows what Biblical preaching must strive for.

      1. 1. As Ahimaaz burned to speak, so preachers must have an inner affection, zeal, and devotion.

      Ahimaaz offers himself to Joab to do the job. He is not passive, needing to be persuaded, but like Jeremiah in whom the Word of God burned like a fire (Jer. 20:9). After Cushi is sent instead of Ahimaaz, he practically begs to run as well like Barnabas who continues missionary service after Paul chooses Silas. While running, Ahimaaz catches and passes Cushi like Paul who labored more abundantly than every one else (1 Cor. 15:10).

      Godly preaches should have this zeal, and should mourn their lack of devotion and spiritual energy. We ought constantly to pray for ourselves and to be prayed for that we would be strengthened with might by God’s Spirit in our inner men.

      • 2. As Ahimaaz brought Good News, so preachers must bring the message of the New Covenant.

      While we must preach about sin, there ought to be greater emphasis on the love of a dying Savior, the mercy offered by the Father, and the joy of the Holy Spirit. Heaven is a world of love, and our preaching must so paint that picture that none of our hearers would want to forget it.

      “Peace!” burst from Ahimaaz’ lips as he arrived exhausted at David’s feet. Before he rested, the main point was out. “We won. The kingdom is safe.” And what was left unspoken, at least at this point? 20,000 men were lost (18:7). Absalom died (18:15). Joab disobeyed you (18:14). More pointedly, in some ways, this devestation all goes back to David’s sin. And yet, the record does not mention these things.

      There is certainly a place for bad news, total depravity, and the Biblical doctrine of eternal torment, and yet men listening to us preach for years ought to honestly say that we are Gospel preachers—Good News preachers.

      • 3. As Ahimaaz spoke faithfully, so preachers must be accurate in all their speech.

      The enemy has been overcome. They were evil because they attacked king David. All the glory goes to God alone. In these three details, and who knows how much more, Ahimaaz was correct.

      Exaggeration and invention often lead to deception and manipulation stemming from pride and selfish ambition. As such pastors should remember Jonathan Edwards’ Resolution, “Resolved, in narrations never to speak anything but the pure and simple verity.” Ahimaaz appears to be a good example of faithful retelling which Christian speech and preaching should follow.

      • 4. As Ahimaaz focused on the most important message, so preachers should choose to emphasize those truths which require more attention.

      He ran without knowing what had happened to Absalom even though he knew what had happened with the war. David cared more about Absalom than all his faithful servants. Where was this weeping for Absalom when he was 2 years old or 10 or 16? But now when the battle has begun, the most important news is what Ahimaaz delivers.

      Our hearers may want to know a great many things about prophecy or miracles or some popular thing in culture, but Ahimaaz’ example urges us to select carefully the doctrines to bring up in public teaching. Our lives force us to think about many earthly matters, and our time for reflection on eternal things is already to small, so preachers should exercise discernment and set the greatest matters before the eyes and ears of the believers.

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      All 37 Death Penalties in the Old Testament

      Included on this list

      • Death penalties revealed by God to be enacted by men on other men.

      Not included on this list

      • Death penalties coming from man’s fallible judgment. Eg. Judah and Tamar; Jacob with Laban, etc.
      • Death penalties where God took the life, but did not command government to take the life. Eg. Nadab and Abihu; Uzzah ,etc.

      Legal categories

      • Moral: Laws for all people of all times
      • Civil: Laws for the society of Israel
      • Ceremonial: Laws for the time before the Cross
       First TextCauseOther PassagesLegal category Mor.       Civ.       Cer.
       1.Gen. 9:5-6MurderEx. 21:12, 14; Lev. 24:17 ,21; Num. 35:16, 17, 18, 21, 30; Deut. 19:12XX
       2.Gen. 17:14Rejecting circumcision XX
       3.Ex. 12:15, 19Eating leaven during Passover XX
       4.Ex. 19:12Touching Mount Sinai when God comes down XX
       5.Ex. 21:15Assaulting parents XX
       6.Ex. 21:16Kidnapping or slave tradeDeut. 21:7XX
       7.Ex. 21:17Cursing parentsLev. 20:9XX
       8.Ex. 21:29Negligent homicide XX
       9.Ex. 22:18SorceryLev. 20:6, 27XX
       10.Ex. 22:19BestialityLev. 18:23; 20:15-16XX
       11.Ex. 22:20IdolatryNum. 25:5; Deut. 17:5XX
       12.Ex. 30:33, 38Imitating the anointing oil X
       13.Ex. 31:14, 15Working on the SabbathNum. 15:32-36XXX
       14.Lev. 7:20Eating the sacrifice while uncleanLev. 7:21X
       15.Lev. 7:25Eating the fat of the sacrifice X
       16.Lev. 7:27Eating the blood of the sacrifice X
       17.Lev. 17:4, 9Offering sacrifice without bringing it to Jehovah at the tabernacle Sacrificing to false gods or to your own religion XXX
       18.Lev. 18:6-18IncestLev. 20:11-12, 14, 17xx 
       19.Lev. 18:19Sexual relations during a woman’s cycleLev. 20:18  x
       20.Lev. 18:20AdulteryLev. 20:10; Deut. 22:21, 22, 24xx 
       21.Lev. 18:21Ritual child sacrificeLev. 20:2xx 
       22.Lev. 18:22SodomyLev. 20:13xx 
       23.Lev. 19:8Eating the sacrifice late   x
       24.Lev. 21:9Prostitution of a priest’s daughter xxx
       25.Lev. 22:3Coming to holy things unclean  xx
       26.Lev. 23:29-30Profaning the day of atonement  xx
       27.Lev. 24:14-16Blasphemy xx 
       28.Num. 3:10Joining the priesthood from outside Levi   x
       29.Num. 3:38Coming near the Tabernacle   x
       30.Num. 4:15, 20 May have been a divine judgment, a penalty only enacted by God Himself.Touching or looking on the tools of the Tabernacle when moving them   x
       31.Num. 15:30Presuming on GodDeut. 17:12xX 
       32.Num. 18:7Taking the priest’s office  XX
       33.Num. 19:13, 20Defiling the tabernacle or sanctuary  XX
       34.Deut. 13:5, 9, 15Promoting a false god XX 
       35.Deut. 18:20False prophecy XX 
       36.Deut. 21:21Rebellion against parents XX 
       37.Deut. 22:25Rape XX 


      • There is no clear division between the traditional 3 categories of the law as moral, civil, and ceremonial. The overlap between these categories is so fluid as to make them inaccurate for understanding the Mosaic law. Covenant Theology needs these 3 categories, and yet they are not accurate.
      • The death penalties of the Mosaic law do not allow for freedom of religion: idolatry, blasphemy, promoting a false god, neglecting the Sabbath, and false prophecy. The NT repeatedly assumes freedom of religion. Therefore, the OT laws cannot control the society in the times of the NT. Theonomy implements these death penalties, and yet it also tries to defend freedom of religion.
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      7 Guides for Biblical Preaching from Balaam

      For his decades of obedience, Moses was called the most humble man in the world (Num. 12:3). Three chapters record the story of Balaam in the middle of Moses’ life so that we can see the difference between the two men. Yet Numbers 22-24 has memorable wisdom for a Biblical preacher.

      Balaam is the man who was hired by Moab’s king, Balak to curse Israel just a few months before they enter the promised land. Hired? Balaam never actually curses Israel, and so he does not get his pay for cursing. Three times in a row from different mountains, he blesses Israel according to God’s Word after the Angel of the Lord opens the donkey’s mouth.

      1. Preaching is faithfully conveying God’s Words and intentions.

      “I will bring you word again, as the Lord shall speak unto me” (Num. 22:8). “I cannot go beyond the word of the Lord my God, to do less or more” (Num. 22:18). “The word that God putteth in my mouth, that shall I speak” (Num. 22:38).

      In the content or essence of the message invention is not needed or wanted. Balak needs to hear God’s message undiluted and unaltered. For this reason, preachers must spend significant time in reading, questioning, memorizing, and praying from the actual words of Scripture. As we have a book group discussion once per week now through Isaac Watts’ Logic, I am reminded again how the study of clear thinking and definitions will help the preacher to discover the substance and truth of the words God has given.

      2. Neither money nor men may move the message.

      King Balak promises Prophet Balaam honor and money (Num. 22:17-18), and Balaam knows the value of the offer. Biblical preaching does not sway to the left or right based on the promises or threats of powerful politicians or the hope of more tithers. Whether the Cultural Marxists threaten to block you from FaceBook or to sue you, the message of Biblical preaching still rebukes feminists, homosexuals, money lovers, those who divorce the wives of their youth, Muslims, Catholics, and liberal protestants.

      3. Faithful preachers should expect the Divine Spirit to help their preaching.

      “The Spirit of God came upon him [Balaam]” (Num. 24:2). We ought to expect the Spirit to be present changing those who listen to us. Goats ought to be transformed, and the sheep ought to follow the Shepherd more closely. Lack of conversions should weigh on our souls as preachers, and we must not be content with a counterfeit “sinner’s prayer” when we want nothing less than New Life!

      4. Everyone should know what kind of preaching a preacher does.

      Seven times Balaam tells Balak, “Told not I thee saying, ‘All that the Lord speaketh, that I must do?’” Our posture of absolute submission to God and His Word should anger, but not surprise. It should be clear in our website, and the scent should reach any visitor almost before the service. How else will they fall on their faces and say that God is truly present (1 Cor. 15:25)?

      5. Biblical preaching deals with God and His people.

      Balaam blessed Israel 4 times—twice in 23 and twice in 24. Each time, he speaks of God’s mercy and grace to His people, the nation of Israel. His message is not only angering to Balak, but it is largely irrelevant to him. The only way Balak could apply God’s Word to his own situation is if he realized that he was entirely separate from this blessed nation, and then with all his heart he sought to enter Israel in complete submission to Jehovah. The Word of God was otherwise not concerned with this mere king who controlled thousands of people and hordes of wealth.

      6. The world will try to manipulate the preacher to produce a worldly message.

      King Balak is remarkably persistent. He sends the highest elders of his nation (22:15). He offers 21 bulls and 21 rams. He takes him to three different mountains. He stays with Balaam for multiple days. He tempts Balaam repeatedly with worldly honors and wealth.

      The spirit of this age, the god of this world will offer large audiences and a million views to any man who will be willing to deviate from God’s revelation.

      7. A man who has once been a faithful preacher may yet fall terribly.

      In Numbers 31 it is revealed that Balaam was killed by Israel for his ongoing relationship with Balak. The NT records Balaam’s name in 3 different books as an example of false teachers who claim to be Christian. They do some good things. They preach some good sermons. But secretly they loved the world. With these cross references, we see what Balaam’s heart was really like all along. He was not glad or eager to exalt the Word of God. Why did Balak stay with him for 3 successive blessings? The pagan king had reason to believe that this man would change at any moment. And sure enough the next story shows that Balaam did eventually give Balak what he wanted.

      A good sermon may hide an evil serpent. One honest statement of truth may open the door for deceitful lies.

      If women are to be saved by a life submitted to God’s design for them in motherhood (1 Tim. 2:15), then is it any surprise when pastors are saved not by one good sermon, but by preaching that continues in true doctrine (1 Tim. 4:16)?

      Thank you, Father, for giving us this gripping, instructing, and sobering story of Balaam.

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      13 Observations from the Leprosy Laws

      Medical matters occupy 4 chapters in the book of Leviticus from 12-15. What should the church learn from these old covenant laws? Have you ever read these laws and wondered what to do with them?

      Three separate matters are covered including child birth, leprosy, and other infectious situations. The purpose of these laws is to separate the children of Israel from uncleanness (15:31) which theme is not only stated, but also shown by the repeated words priest and clean or unclean. I found 13 observations for the church from these chapters and from them a renewed love for the work of our Savior.

      1. Between the sexes lie a permanent and obvious distinction. Lev. 12:2-5

      For a boy baby, a mother must be unclean 40 days, but for a new daughter she is purified 80 days. Boys are listed first in the passage, and they are marked in their bodies by circumcision. But they are the same in that offerings must be made for both.

      2. Filth spreads more easily than purity. Lev. 13-14

      Nature, time, life, eating, drinking, marriage, and work can bring filth. But purity requires revelation, priests, and sacrifices.

      3. Sin complicates life. Lev. 13-15

      Diseases come from sin. That is the ultimate cause, and in a world without sin, there will be no disease. God has not yet removed all disease because that would decrease our desire to be in a world without sin. Yet because of disease, spawned by sin, we must have a complex set of laws for purity. Life could be as simple as the Garden of Eden with only one law, but sin has ruined it.

      4. Holiness requires constant vigilance. Lev. 13:3, et. al.

      “Look” and words like it are found all through chapters 13 and 14. The patient and the priest must be constantly checking, watching, and looking for any change in condition. Cleanliness before God is not something to be found quickly during the half time of the football game.

      5. Hard times and pain still come to God’s people. Lev. 13:2; 14:34

      Though chosen by God, the Jews still had sickness, pain, and death. In fact, 14:34 says explicitly that God sends leprosy. We live in this painful, complicated world as a constant reminder of sin and the next world.

      6. Clean or unclean are the only two options.

      Those two words are found 91 times in 157 verses. If you are not clean, you must stay separate from the rest of the people until you are. There is no “partly sorted” or “work in progress” or “giving it a good try” status in God’s law.

      7. True judgments are both subjective and objective.

      The law is objective, but it must be applied to people which immediately makes it subjective. In 13:7, “If the scab spreads farther on the skin…” How much farther? What if one edge is a little farther, but the other edge has receded? What if the naked eye cannot tell if it has spread or not? We have the objective Word of God, but it still must be applied subjectively to people. In the NT, a man may not be a pastor unless he is “able to teach” (1 Tim. 3:2). How skilled must he be? Another from 1 John 3:8-9: A man “who practices sin is of the devil. … No one who is born of God practices sin… he cannot sin…” How much sin shows a man to be a child of Satan? This must be determined subjectively by godly men through the objective Word of God.

      8. Authority is ordained by God.

      The priests were chosen by God from Levi and then from Aaron. They were directed in their clothing, years of service, and actions. Special authority was also given to them to direct the society. 11 of the 12 tribes were not on that level. Most of the families of the tribe of Levi were not on that level. Not all men were equal in their calling, gifts, or station. God placed some on top of others.

      9. Truth is discovered by careful observation.

      Our senses are generally trustworthy. Only a fool would give final or absolute authority to his eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. But as a servant, the senses can do much good for a child of God. Our minds must always consider the evidence brought before our eyes though no Christian gives his eyes the position of King.

      10. The priest is active while the people are passive.

      In chapter 13, the priest is looking and making decisions. In chapter 14, he arranges the sacrifices and offers them. The patient is almost entirely passive. We make the mess, and then the Priest has to repair the damage.

      11. Truth about purity must be revealed. Lev. 12:1; 13:1; 14:1, 33; 15:1

      Who could have thought of the priests? Who could have arranged the sacrifices? God reached down in grace to speak to those whom He called. If He had not come down from Heaven, we could not have known.

      12. Religion influences all areas of life.

      Child birth in chapter 12. Disease in chapters 13 and 14. House buying in chapter 14. A woman’s way of life in chapter 15. And back in chapter 11, the diet of the people of God. There is nothing outside the scope of religion.

      13. Atonement is essential.

      Atonement is necessary after child birth (Lev. 12) and in the case of leprosy (Lev. 14). They cannot be clean without it. They cannot approach God without it. Every man desires cleanliness and spiritual harmony, but these are absolutely impossible without atonement.


      The world’s religions cannot accept these plain observations. Islam wants no atonement. Buddhism has no absolute truth. Secularism has no place for religion. Hinduism wants no revelation. These chapters quietly build in the mind the necessary structure for the thinking of a NT church member even though the specific laws are not binding on the NT Christian.

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      An Above Average Pastor

      Failure is still possible for those who are above average if the average is dismally low. In the village of Bungeni where we have been evangelizing since January 2021, I met a pastor who teaches in a large, beautiful building. Early on after greeting, he told me that he watches Adrian Rogers on television, a conservative Southern Baptist pastor.

      I told him that I preach Christ, and I do not love money. The pastor offers agreement, but it is hard to tell if that is mere head-nodding or an “Amen” through Christ to the glory of God. “Well, I tell myself. Perhaps this man loves the Lord. I will invite him to the Bible studies, and offer to return to his house.”

      These offers being made with all the willingness of my natural effusion, I left him back 3 years ago. In January, when I began preaching on a street corner, who should show up, but this pastor whom I will call Pastor Nkuna (not his real name). For 6 weeks now, he has been at the preaching points where we have memorized numerous verses, the first books of the NT, and the 5 Solas. I have spoken almost exclusively of man’s depravity and Christ as the forgotten Savior in the false Christianity all around us.

      Wednesday, 7 February, a 23-year old man named Trevor listened quietly in the corner, and this discussion followed.

      Seth: “Trevor, I’m glad you have listened today. Do you know if your name is in the Book of Life, or are you unsure about that?”

      Trevor: “No, my name is not in the Book.”

      Seth: “OK, thank you for being honest. Can you ask me if my name is in the Book?”

      Trevor, laughing: “OK, pastor is your name there?”

      Seth: “Yes. Now, can you ask me how I know?”

      Trevor, “Mi swi tivisa ku yini leswaku vito ra n’wina ri tsariwile?” [How do you know?]

      Seth: “Because Christ died for me! Christ chose me! Christ took away my guilt. He washed my stains. He rose again for me! He is right now sitting on the right hand of the Father praying for me. He gave me His Spirit. He teaches me His Word. It is all of the Son of God! He has done everything for me.”

      Turning directly to pastor Nkuna, who had heard all this, “Sir, what should Trevor do since his name is not in the Book?”

      Pastor Nkuna: “Trevor, you must pray. And go to church.”

      Seth: “Let us not forget the Lord Jesus. [etc.]”

      About 20 minutes later after prolonged preaching to the rest of the dozen or so people listening, I asked in closing, “Are you truly saved?”

      Pastor Nkuna: “Yes, I am saved.”

      Seth: “You know my rule that I have used for weeks, if anyone says they are saved, then they must tell us what God has done for their souls. What has God done for your soul, Mr. Nkuna?”

      Pastor Nkuna: “God has preserved me to this day.”

      Seth, to the rest of the listeners, “What did he forget to say? What did he not mention?”

      Several other people: “Jesus Christ.”

      Turning to the pastor: “Sir, you forgot Jesus after I just preached of His actions, after we asked Trevor a few moments ago, after you have been here for 6 weeks, and after we just looked at John 3:36! You are in great danger. You are lost. Christ did not come from your mouth because He is not in your heart. If you do not confess Him before men, He will not confess you before the Father.”

      A few moments later before I leave, I spoke individually to pastor Nkuna, “Sir, please do not be angry that I spoke so plainly. I love you, but you said nothing of Jesus Christ. How can you hope to be accepted by the Father if you can’t say anything about His Son? And this just after I gave you the answers?”

      Pastor Nkuna: “Jesus is with me all the time! I have Jesus.”

      Seth: “Only after I told you again and again. But when you were asked in public twice, what did you say? And whom did you forget?”

      Here was a man who said yes when I spoke about preaching Jesus. He gave certain words at certain times that sounded Christian. But twice in one sitting, with the answers told to him moments before he spoke, he could not find anything to say about Jesus from the most basic, “Jesus died for me,” to a lively testimony of Christ’s forgiveness of his sins. On other weeks, he like everyone else, has told me that he has never read the whole Bible or even the whole New Testament.

      Yes, I sometimes, but rarely meet someone who references Jesus. As a few days ago, a man told me Jesus was his Savior, but then in the very next question he told me that he loved money.

      If this pastor is a Christian, then African missionaries should go home since much of the continent has this kind of Christ-less or Christ-lite salvation.

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      A Healthy Church Checklist

      There are 50 points in this list, and each one is worth 2 points. How healthy is your church?


      1. Allowing as members only those who have been born again
      2. Testimonies of conversion required for membership
      3. Humility as a mark of the members
      4. Holiness as a mark of the members
      5. Wide-spread Bible reading and memorizing
      6. Members are consistent in their church attendance
      7. Church discipline practiced when necessary
      8. Building and maintaining a meeting place


      1. Only men in leadership
      2. Multiple men in leadership
      3. Godliness and Biblical wisdom as the chief requirements for leadership
      4. Men being trained for leadership
      5. Leaders enjoy reading
      6. Leaders’ families love the Lord


      1. Encouraging men to lead their homes
      2. Encouraging women to be homemakers
      3. Training children to be Christians
      4. Consistent family worship among members


      1. Talking about evangelism, missions, and conversions especially from the pastor.
      2. Actively trying to evangelize in the community
      3. Supporting missionaries from other churches
      4. Sending missionaries from their membership
      5. Energy and creativity to start ministries in the church’s unique time and place
      6. Strengthening other churches or pastors


      1. Verse by verse teaching
      2. Preaching the person and work of Christ
      3. Adherence to the Five Solas
      4. Adherence to the doctrines of grace
      5. Speaking the truth boldly on controversial matters
      6. Pleading with sinners in pulpit, Bible studies, and children’s classes
      7. Rejecting false doctrines unambiguously
      8. A written doctrinal statement
      9. Looking for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

      Public meetings

      1. Music driven by the fear of God and chosen by mature judgment
      2. Mature and prolonged prayers in public services
      3. Clothing that does not distract from thoughts of God
      4. Baptizing believers only
      5. The Lord’s Table consistently administered
      6. Warm toward visitors, other members, and Christians
      7. Rejecting entertainment in worship


      1. Regular offerings
      2. Giving something to the pastor
      3. Full support of the pastor
      4. Standing without outside support
      5. Generous toward the poor and the lost


      1. Consistent church wide prayer meetings
      2. Majority of members attend prayer meetings
      3. Significant time spent praying for spiritual requests
      4. Praying for missionaries consistently
      5. Commonly seeing answers to prayer

      ____ Total Score (2 points per mark)          

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      7 Biblical Reasons Parents Should Spank Their Children

      Recently, my wife told me about a book that argues the Bible does not encourage parents to discipline their children with corporal punishment. Both of us grew up in homes where our parents taught us as children by using paddles, spanking, or the rod. Nevertheless, we have been surprised to hear from different Christians that they are not using the rod, and so here are some Biblical reasons to use spanking in the training of children.

      1.  The seriousness of sin is matched only by the seriousness of spanking.

      When a child sins, a parent must respond. Every parent responds in some way, and his response speaks about the nature of sin. Spanking says something about sin. What do the other methods say about the nature of sin?

      • A child sins and a parent laughs: Sin deserves laughter.
      • A child sins and a parent talks: Sin deserves the transfer of information.
      • A child sins and a parent ignores: Sin deserves to be overlooked.
      • A child sins and a parent cries: Sin deserves sadness.
      • A child sins and a parent spanks: Sin deserves punishment.

      If you believe in the evil of sin, that it brings eternal torment as a just consequence, then why would you not teach that to your child?

      And nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Revelation 21:27

      2.  Kids are happier with spanking.

      When children live under the attention, order, and authority of a strong but kind man, they can flourish more than in any other scenario. David did not discipline his children (1 Kings 1:6), and one of his sons raped a sister, one killed a brother, and one tried to usurp the throne. Who wants a home with a nightly fight about going to sleep? Who wants to shop with a child who cries for every candy or trinket that catches his fancy?

      If we love our children, then with all that lies in us we ought to give them a peaceful home. If the peacemakers are blessed, then who more so than a wise father who looks into the future to create a long-term peace? Biblical discipline with the rod does that more efficiently than any other method.

      Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

      3.  Disobedient kids are painful to everyone.

      We do not love our neighbors if we give them an uncomfortable environment. When other people have to deal with my child who is loud, rude, and distracting, they feel ashamed, annoyed, and eager to leave.

      But turn the scenario the other direction: Who does not love a happy baby or child? When children play happily, when they relate well to others, it is a special delight equal to a work of art being brought into this other person’s presence. Christian parents have the chance to bring beauty, laughter, and pleasure to every one they meet by letting them see and talk with their children in appropriate ways. Societies need children to keep them humane and humble, but disobedient children exhaust every one. It is not loving to your neighbor to raise disobedient children. It is not kind to others to make them endure your bad parenting.

      You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39

      4.  Spanking is an effective tool for creating habits of obedience.

      No, spanking cannot create a new heart nor can it produce the miracle of regeneration, yet it can bring small children to a place of submission. The habitual use of this method forms an instinct of obedience. Since fathers will answer for how they have formed their homes, they ought to be specially concerned to use those tools that are most likely to bring this about. A devoted, happy father can form a habit of obedience in his children which will become a great help for each of them as they strive against their flesh and toward true character.

      Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

      5.  The Bible teaches spanking.

      The previous four points are each Biblical. But I have saved this reason for the fifth position because it is sometimes thought that this is the only reason to discipline. Here are some Biblical instructions to spank children.

      • Proverbs 13:24 He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.
      • Proverbs 23:13 Do not hold back discipline from the child, Although you strike him with the rod, he will not die. 14 You shall strike him with the rod And rescue his soul from Sheol.
      • Proverbs 29:15, 17 The rod and reproof give wisdom, But a child who gets his own way brings shame to his mother. 17 Correct your son, and he will give you comfort; He will also delight your soul.
      • Hebrews 12:7 It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
      • Revelation 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.

      Notice that Solomon, Hebrews, and Jesus all taught on this subject. The word commonly used is “discipline” but that discipline brings “sorrow.” What kind of discipline brings sorrow, shocks, awakens, and even threatens? The NT teaches a painful discipline.

      Some say, “Proverbs are only general statements. They are not absolute commands.” Fair enough: Then they should be generally followed. In nearly all circumstances, with nearly all parents, and in raising nearly all children, let us use the rod, discipline, and striking.

      The arguments that were used in the book I read which opposed spanking, were not arguments that the normal Bible reader would bring up. Just read the Bible, and put away the experts. The Bible is actually very clear on most things.

      6.  Spanking has been used throughout a diverse number of cultures for all history.

      When the collected judgment of hundreds and thousands of people from many language groups and time periods all finds wisdom in a certain tradition, we need to ask why.

      Perhaps someone could argue that they are pagan without the Bible. Yes, but pagans did do some good things like practice marriage, oppose thievery, and promote male headship. Nearly every society in the history of the world has tried to do these things, and each of these three is Biblical. They moved toward the right position, though in no pagan culture can you find the best marriages, truest wisdom on private property, and wisest male leadership.

      How can we tell if spanking among the pagans is the wisdom of common grace or the folly of demonic religion? We who have the light of Scripture start there whenever we try to make such cultural judgments. But with Scripture informing us, it is helpful to see that spanking is such an obvious technique that even those without the Bible knew about it. Spanking is a mark of common grace found in many cultures because it works even though those places did not all have Bibles.

      For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves, Romans 2:14

      7.  Worldly people hate it.

      The reverse of the previous argument is to look at the world’s loves and hates. The modern world hates spanking. Is that overspeak? They are trying to make laws to take a father’s freedom away because they so strongly oppose spanking. Well, someone says, they are only trying to stop child abuse. Really? Then why make a law blocking the rod, but no law blocking a child’s disobedience?

      • Feminists hate spanking because they do not like strong men.
      • Marxists hate spanking because they want the destruction of the nuclear family.
      • Evolutionists hate spanking because they do not agree with original sin or total depravity.
      • Globalists hate spanking because they want the family dependent on the state.

      Not everything hated by the world should be hated by Christians. But when the world’s hatred lines up perfectly with an evil agenda, Christians must take special care not to be conformed to the world.

      And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Romans 12:2

      There may be arguments and objections that can be raised against spanking children. But Scripture gives a Christian good reason to raise his children with a loving, consistent use of the rod in corporal punishment as a measured amount of physical pain combined with gracious demeanor, self-control, and wise words.

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