Category Archives: Pastoral

26 Ways to Pray for a Teachable Spirit

Each month this year, we have been praying a different Biblical prayer each day. For September, we are praying Job 34:32, “Teach me what I do not see…” Here are 26 categories, nearly one for each day of the month, … Continue reading

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Missions is the Most Heroic Effort to Save Lives: The Doctrine of Murder 5

The murder of a soul is the worst of all deaths. Duration: The second death, or the death of a soul endures for eternity (Matt. 16:26). The duration of this death is longer than the previous death. The second death … Continue reading

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Killing is a Common Sin: The Doctrine of Murder 4

Who thinks they have murdered? The percentage of people is large who will admit to lying. But almost no one thinks they have either done this or are seriously tempted with it. This is, however, a very common sin first … Continue reading

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7 Reasons Murder is Evil: The Doctrine of Murder 3

Killing is a great evil. Killing is evil for at least 7 reasons. It is forbidden in Scripture repeatedly and explicitly. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy explicitly condemn murder. Also, the Sermon on the Mount, the Synoptic gospels (Rich Young … Continue reading

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The Doctrine of Murder 2: Wrong Views and the Right View

Five wrong views of murder The sin of killing is not the death of animals because they were not made in the image of God. Since animals do not have souls, killing them is not murder. Eating meat is not … Continue reading

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The Doctrine of Murder 1: Roe v. Wade

“Thou shalt not kill” is only 2 words in the original, 6 little Hebrew letters. The first word is a negative: Not or literally “never.” The second is a verb: Murder. This is the same pattern for several of the … Continue reading

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A Review of Dane Ortlund’s Gentle and Lowly

Introduction Gentle and Lowly is an expositional attempt to tell us what Christ’s heart towards sinners and sufferers is. The answer provided in this book states that Christ is full of compassion toward those who are hurting. The key text … Continue reading

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The Destruction of Christless Empires

By guest author: Caleb Meyers The cause of any nation’s downfall is one of the most interesting and debated subjects. This is especially true if the nation in question was a powerful one, or if it fell in a sudden … Continue reading

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Sins of Unbelievers in the New Testament

Having compared and listed the virtues that the NT presents as being dominant in the Christian life, here are the largest lists of sins in the NT compared to demonstrate the kind of life that marks those who are outside … Continue reading

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Virtue Lists of the New Testament Believer

In two days, I hope to preach about the glorious effects of the resurrection of Christ in the lives of His people from Colossians 3:1-17. As I prepared and meditated on that passage, the list of virtues in 3:12-16 stood … Continue reading

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