Tag Archives: William Carey

Expect and Attempt: Faith and Ambition in the Life of William Carey

Introduction The world looked and felt very different 250 years ago (MAP). The earth’s population was about 10% of what it is today—770,000,000. Christianity was virtually unknown in South America, Asia, Africa, or the islands of the world. There were … Continue reading

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Six Reasons I Strive to be Christ-centered in my Preaching

Having attempted a definition of preaching Christ, I would like to list some reasons why I strive to be Christ-centered when I preach. 1. Inspired NT commentary on OT texts and events. Recently, as I read through John 6 in … Continue reading

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Attractive Leadership

[William Carey] is most remarkable for his humility; he is a very superior man, and appears to know nothing about it. The great man and the little child unite in him, and, as far as I can see, he has … Continue reading

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The Kind of Character that Makes History

One of Carey’s Indian language helpers said about him (when he was about 45), What kind of body has Carey Sahib? I cannot understand him. He never seems hungry nor tired, and never leaves a thing till it’s finished. As … Continue reading

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What It Takes to Be a Missionary

Here is the covenant that Carey wrote for the missionaries who served together with him at Serampore. To set an infinite value on men’s souls. To acquaint ourselves with the snares which hold the minds of the people. To abstain … Continue reading

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A Letter I’d Love to Receive

The following letter is from William Carey’s mission board in London in 1801 upon the conversion of the first Indian, Krishna Pal. Nearly seven years had passed from Carey’s arrival until Krishna’s baptism. Dearly loved in the Lord, The joy … Continue reading

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William Carey on Success

Near the end of his life, the man who translated portions of the Bible into nearly two score languages said: “I can plod and persevere. That is my only genius. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I … Continue reading

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